40th Anniversary Update

Copyright: Royal de Luxe
We wish to advise members that due to the arrival of the Giant Festival in the city this weekend it will impact on those staying in the various city centre hotels especially those of us at the Strand. Arrangements have been made to exit the Strand for both the 1.00pm college tour and the coach collection later in the evening and this will be advised at the AGM and dinner on Friday night. We would advise those who are travelling to the college for the dinner on the Saturday to avoid travelling through the city centre as roads will be closed and to use the outer routes instead. We regret this inconvenience but we tried to get the festival cancelled as we had been in the planning for our anniversary for well over a year. We jest!!
Finally we are overwhelmed with the magnificent support for the dinner on Saturday with 150 past pupils and guests expected. Thank you for your continued loyalty and support.