Mungret Community College – Joint Flag Project

In case you haven’t heard……………..

A new school has just opened its doors in the grounds of our old Alma Mater at Mungret. It’s called Mungret Community College and will provide secondary education to both girls and boys.

This is exciting news as it heralds a new era of education on the famous grounds continuing what the Jesuits started back in 1882.

Your PPU has been busy fostering relationships with the new Headmaster and board of management who in turn are very anxious to maintain a strong relationship with us and we hope in the near future to have reciprocal links on both of our websites.

We are very pleased to say that the new College have asked us to commission a school flag incorporating the old with the new.  Several concepts/designs were presented to the board and the one selected is shown below.

We think it is very appropriate in that it has our old crest together with the new one and incorporates our colours of black, red and white. The new school’s colours are blue/grey/red & black.

The flag will be sponsored by the PPU with the College providing the flag pole to be sited in a prominent position outside the school.

Finally, we hope to present the flag to the Board of the new College before the end of the year.
